April 19, 2024
Dear DaySpringers,
We just had a great evening at the Advance Commitment Showcase. What talent we have in this church! On May 5, Commitment Sunday, we will have an all-church brunch that will be a little different. You WON’T have to bring anything! Breakfast will be served for everyone in a large tent on the lower parking lot, so we’ll have plenty of room…. and entertainment! What a great way to start Commitment Sunday!
Of course, this will be a celebration for our Giving Back, Building Forward campaign as we will submit our pledge cards that day. Some of you may have questions about the campaign and I thought I would address a few questions I’ve heard.
When do the commitments begin?
The first Sunday in the three-year giving period is June 2.
What if I can’t fulfill my commitment?
None of us know the future. We only ask that you pray and let God lead you to your commitment. If your circumstances change, you can revise your commitment accordingly.
Will my commitment be kept confidential?
Yes! As with our regular offerings, all commitments are confidential.
How will I give my pledge to the campaign?
A pledge card and privacy envelope will be mailed to you next week. We ask that everyone bring their pledge card on May 5th. If you will not be in attendance that day, you can mail your pledge card to the church or pledge online after April 29. If you turned in a pledge card toward the Advance Commitment total, check the box on the card labeled "I have already turned in my pledge."
This has been a wonderful season of prayer and generosity as we seek God's guidance for the future of DaySpring. Thanks be to God for those DaySpringers who’ve gone before and brought us to this point and those who will follow in the next phase in our journey.
Campaign Chair
Our team has composed a prayer guide with prompts for daily prayer. You are encouraged to spend time in prayer this month with each of these daily prompts.

We as a church family are in the middle of a study about biblical generosity during Spiritual Formation hour. Thanks to Amy Toney for her planning and leadership for the adults on Sunday. This week, Barry Harvey will guide our study about giving with believers, with a discussion led by Jennifer Kemper. Please join us on Sunday at 9:45 am.
Upcoming campaign dates:
April 14-April 21
Advance Commitment period
April 21
Final Day for Advance Commitments
**Turn in your advance commitment in the offering plate
April 23
Pledge cards mailed to all DaySpringer households
April 28
Advance commitment total announced
May 5
Celebration Brunch and Worship with the Purple Hulls
Turn in pledge cards during worship
May 12
Announcement of total commitment pledge
June 2
First Fruits Sunday
Three-year giving period begins
For those who were unable to attend the Advance Commitment Showcase,
here is a video of the presentation and showcase that followed.
Thank you, DaySpringers:
The Advance Commitment Team
Bill Perdue
Amy Johnson
Brenda Giles
Sadie Honeycutt
Melva Williams
Susan Thrift
Julie Burleson
Tyler Ellis
The Showcase
Appetizer Bringers
Dessert Bringers
Fiona Bond & Bruce Longenecker
Monty Suffern
Wes Cunningham
Joel Edwards
Matthew Porter
Rachel Hall
The Contemplative Desperados
DaySpring Youth
DaySpring Children
The Children's Team
Katie Talbert
Walker Talbert
Kingsley Gibbs
Amy Everett
Ashleigh Kelley