Ministries and Missions
Our work is our prayer, our prayer is our work.
From the beginning of DaySpring in 1993, the philosophy of mission has been that every Christian is a minister and that our primary ministry happens in the neighborhoods, schools, workplaces, and marketplaces of our daily lives. We encourage every member of DaySpring to be attentive to the ways God is active in and around our relationships.
We also seek ways to do ministry together through connecting with the Waco community in ways that are helpful, meaningful, and compassionate. If you would like to be involved in any of the following opportunities or have any questions, let us know.
Ministry Partners
Through our mission proposal initiatives, we invite church members to request a grant to continue partnering together in the redemptive mission of Christ in the world. To encourage initiatives, we have set aside funding and solicit proposals to the church council for mission initiatives in the following areas:
DaySpring seeks ways to offer our church campus as a place of rest and renewal for DaySpringers, our neighbors, and the wider community.
DaySpringers seek to embody the love of Jesus by involving our lives with those most at risk in the Waco community.
DaySpringers seek to practice intentional community as a path of Christian mission.
DaySpring seeks to extend the ministry and character of DaySpring beyond our local community.
DaySpring also has a number of former members who are serving around the United States and around the world. In a variety of ways, we support and encourage these ministries in places like Central America and Southeast Asia.