Yesterday was an exciting day at the Naomi House. Over 100 people from the community and our congregation stopped by to offer support and learn about this ministry: 7 churches and their representatives and stopped by, 5 community organizations, many neighbors, and you! We heard so much encouragement and interest in joining us in this work. Many were able to leave a prayer on the dining room walls and it is a beautiful sight to see.

Join us on our workdays at the house the next two Saturdays. Sign up to help with a workday here. You can write a prayer of blessing on the walls and join us in praying for this ministry and for those who will live in the home. The steering team is hard at work adding to our webpage and preparing the inside of the home as well as the grounds and organizing our support structure. Right now, we are receiving gently used and new items, see our wish list here. Sign up to donate to the house here. Later in the summer, we will have opportunities for a house blessing and maybe even a shower or a pounding. Looking ahead, we are planning a learning trip to the border and filling hospitality and finance teams of support around the home. Our steering team will be in the narthex after and before worship for you to ask questions and receive more information. We invite you to join us as we prepare and pray for this next phase as we open the Naomi House.
As we prepare our hearts to receive what the Lord has to give us through this ministry, we remember the story of Ruth and Naomi. Naomi took in Ruth (and Ruth committed to Naomi) on their journey as outsiders in a foreign land; in the same way, the Naomi House seeks to accompany those seeking asylum and refuge. See Ruth 1:16-22.
With great hope,